
What Our Customers Are Saying About Us

St Matthew Parish
We choose our vendors very carefully…the character of the company we enter into agreement with means a great deal to us. The character of you and your staff contribute nicely to our mission…St. Matthew is a committed customer.
St. Matthew Parish | Glendale Heights, Illinois
Bloomingdale Library
Your rides were a wonderful addition to the 18th annual Ice Cream Social. We received many positive comments…Your cooperation contributed much to the overall success of the Social…always such a pleasure working with you.
Bloomingdale Public Library | Bloomingdale, Illinois
Downsyndrom Development
Your helpers were outstanding!! Everyone complimented me on them. Your girls were awesome and helped out the kids big time. Hope we can do something again next year.
Buddy Walk | Down Syndrome Development Counsel
Buzz Aldrin
Thank you for everything you did to help us provide the most successful fun fair Aldrin School has ever had. Thank you again for your generosity and professionalism.
Edwin Aldrin Elementary School | Schaumburg, Illinois
The carnival games were a huge hit, and the athletes enjoyed them tremendously. We will definitely have to get together next year and plan more fun activities.
Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association | Addison, Illinois
Thank you for doing a superb job….great selection of games and prizes…my highest compliments to all of the attendants and people who assisted you. I look forward to doing business again with you.
Addison Green Meadows, Inc. | Addison, Illinois
Thank you for all your help making Housefest 2001 a huge success. It's refreshing to work with companies like Fundways because we can count on quality.
ProActive, Inc. | Chicago, Illinois
Although we as producers expect perfection, we too were impressed and most appreciative to you and your game attendants for giving 100 percent. Together we exceeded all expectations, congratulations!
Events by Halo for Quaker Oats 100th Anniversary Celebration
Thank you for the part you had in our “Big Day”…you did a great job in setting up, getting things ready and helping things to run smoothly on Sunday.
First Baptist Church | Dwight, Illinois
Fundways of Illinois
Mailing Address:
330 W. Laura Drive
Addison, IL60101
Office: 630-543-5430
Fax: 630-543-5380